Idina Menzel

Saturday, January 19, 2008


I didn't want to go, but Katie Jeanne didn't really give me a choice. So there I was, dressed in some bloomin' ridiculous dress of hers, surrounded by beautiful women talking to swankily dressed men. A mocktail party. I was at a mocktail party. Are You Freakin' Kidding Me?!?!

I was reminded, however, that no matter how much this sort of thing makes me uncomfortable, it is good for the soul to be dressed up and placed in a blasted situation of this sort. One, because you are forced to rise above, and two, because it requires you to talk. I don't like talking in those circumstances, but what are you going to do? Spit in their face? Well, I could . . . I opted against it.

I was impressed, however, that I didn't have a single spasm the whole time. I grant you, I took my meds before going, but still . . . it didn't bother me nearly as much as German can. Interesting.

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